Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Sometimes you just have to stop and get on your knees

Today has been a nightmare to say the least. It started out okay, if you consider waking up to 3 kids arguing about who pushed who okay. Saria, Sam, and Ben like to play this game called "Super Smash Brothers"...only THEIR version is not different characters from video games beating the crap out of each other on a platform, it's THEM imagining they are different characters beating the crap out of each other on my couch. I think that Saria was "The Master Hand" and Sam was "Kirby" and Ben was "Bumblebee" (who, might I add is not even a character in the actual game, but kids have such imaginations that anything is possible :P) Anyway, they've been told time after time to not play this game because it's not only dangerous in that they push each other off the couch to determine who wins, but they hit and kick and sometimes even bite each other in order to achieve their goal of being the "winner" What do moms know right?! That's where accident number 1 happens. Ben runs up to us with SUCH panic in his voice, totally FREAKING out "I GOT BLEEDING I GOT BLEEDING!" and blood is just dripping out of his nose. Nothing really worrisome, he gets nosebleeds often, especially if someone accidentally kicks him in the face, which is what he told us happened...

I have to add that I am so thankful that hubby is home because for SOME REASON ever since I have become a mother.. the sight of blood FREAKS me out and makes me VERY fact..the other day we were grilling hotdogs and there was only the tip of the bottle left of ketchup and LO AND BEHOLD when hubby opened the bottle it splattered all over his hand... and THAT even nauseated me because it LOOKED like blood to me...(pathetic I know haha)back to the story..

So hubby thankfully stops Ben's nose from bleeding, I try to comfort him as best as I can from a distance, and all is well for about another hour or two.

Saria and Sam were in the garage playing while Ben was outside by himself (which I have always hated for this reason and usually make one of the other ones go play with him just so he's not by himself.. dunno why I didn't do that today, but I will be kicking myself in the butt for a long time because of it...) Anyhoo, he comes running towards the house and just BLOOD curdling screams of PAIN and his finger is dripping blood. Apparently he dropped a huge rock on his finger.. that was one of two coherent things I could get from him.. the other was "Sam couldn't help me!!" He is so used to having his brother by his side..I think he was more scared that he was alone than of what happened to his finger, and I think that's what broke my heart the most as well.

We get his finger all cleaned up, and hubby bandages it with two butterfly bandages because its a pretty nasty split finger and about an hour later hubby notices it's turning purple..that's when I told hubby he needed to take Ben to the Emergency Room...which is where he's at as I type this. I forgot to mention that pretty much the entire time Ben's finger has been hurt, he's off and on (mostly on) screaming about being in a lot of pain. When hubby took him, his finger was seeping blood, it was purple on the end tip, and it was still split open. He's clearly in a lot of pain, so I hope whatever they do at the hospital helps him to not be in so much pain.

The one thing that really touched me through all of this, was me asking Ben through his cries of pain if he wanted to get on his knees and say a prayer with me. He told me that he did... and he proceeded to say a little prayer and then we finished up with a prayer from myself and honestly, I felt more calm, and more at peace. My four year old son KNEW that a prayer would help in his time of need. I think that little gesture taught me so much. Kids are so wonderful :)

I will have to post an update on his finger later when I know more.

1 comment:

Katherine Ronachert said...

hope all is well. kids are a sweet reminder arent' they?