Mom came over a little after five and we started opening presents and then for about an hour everyone was playing with the new toys!! Samuel just loved the hooded towel he got from his Nonna. He also loves his remote control Lightening McQueen he got from his Grandma, but I don't think he likes it as much as Ben does. Ben even figured out how to make it go by pushing the button!! he got a ton of matchbox cars, which hs absolutely loves, his favorite is the Shark one that Christina, Nick, and Desiree got for him. After Christina and Desiree got there (she had gotten in trouble and was taking a nap so they came later) we had cake and icecream. It was a very exhausting day for the grown ups and everyone left very tired. I am just glad that the kids had a good time!!

1 comment:
I LOVE his facial expression in the towel picture! Yes, you can totally tell that he is overjoyed!
I miss those babies, and I can't wait to be there to celebrate with them!!!
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