Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Well I finished the last book Breaking Dawn a few days ago. I have to admit that this was the ONLY one that I wanted to put down periodically due to it not interesting me. I was absolutely thrilled at how it ended though. * SPOILER *
I mean, is it NOT happily ever after when the ending is having sex? But the parts in between were a little weird to me in terms of how I viewed the book. I dunno maybe its just me ;P But I did enjoy them, and can't wait until they make the rest into movies.

1 comment:

Christina said...

Amen to that!!! We're gonna have to get together & go see New Moon when it comes out in theaters, girls night out. We'll leave our kids with our husbands, how does that sound?? We'll have to tell Hila & Michele too. Now that you've finished the book we have to talk about it, I've been dying here having nobody but Nick (not really listening to me) to talk to about it. Although I love the book (all of them really, but New Moon was my least favorite; until the end). Love ya.