Monday, May 25, 2009

Happy Memorial Day

I know I haven't written a post in.. forever, but I really haven't had anything too exciting to report. Brad and I took the kids up to Port Angeles last weekend, we stayed 2 nights in a very nice hotel (Brad had a job up there). We went and saw Wolverine while we were there and I caught an NCIS marathon on the hotel tv, fell in love with the show and have been watching episodes on The kids loved the trip, but not so much the drive, thank goodness for van dvd players! When we got back, my little garden I was growing in the planters were dead...nothing new has poked up so far, so we're going to try again because the weather is weird here anyway and they may still grow if we plant more soon. We had planted sunflowers around the big rock in front of the house and they're growing. I haven't checked on them in a few days but they were poked through the ground, so I'm sure they're getting bigger by now. Today we bbq'd before Brad went to work. We had hotdogs and hamburgers, chips and potato salad, it was really good, and I have truely been loving this weather and hope it stays like this (though I'm sure it won't) Hope everyone had a good day!!

1 comment:

Nilla said...

Hola from Florida... Yeah, the weather up there has been lovely. It's plain out HOT here. I miss you guys. I need to come see you when I get back. I'm such a slacker sister and aunt. Blah.