Sunday, March 21, 2010

An old Pair of Shoes

When I was a teenager I owned this awesome pair of shoes that I was so proud to have purchased at the dollar store for 2 dollars and 50 cents. I remember this now because I actually had a dream about this particular pair of shoes not too long ago. I KNOW the reason I had the dream was to settle my mind because for the past few months I've not talked to a couple people in my family, and these shoes are proof to me that I'm not necessarily RIGHT in not talking to them, but that my reasonings are valid.

I could go off into a tangent and type for hours, but no matter how I begin, it ends the same way. PITY ME!!!! BOO HOO ME!!!

I think after 27 years of this treatment, it's time to let it all go.

I am tired of forgiving people that are supposed to love me, but I always will.

I am proud of the way my life turned out, proud of the family that I have, and proud of where I am in life, and cannot POSSIBLY understand why the people that are supposed to love me cannot be proud of me.

Live today to the fullest because you are not guaranteed a tomorrow.

All children need love from both of their parents (BOTH)
and while all children are not the same, they should be LOVED the same

I've always been the black sheep in some form or another, and the funny thing is.. I keep allowing it to happen.

Its time to let it go...I'm moving on, and I wanted you to know that while I will always hurt inside, I'm letting go..


Katherine Ronachert said...

agreed. also, love your new background, simple.

Tarylyn said...

ty ma'am :)

Nilla said...

This was very eloquent :). I know it's hard to let go sometimes. Kudos to you for trying and also being willing to forgive. Love you!