Thursday, April 15, 2010

My printer needs a breather

So, the kids' latest report cards have them struggling in a few areas (which totally makes me feel like an awful parent) and so I've been printing out worksheets to do with them all morning. I know I spend a lot of time with the kids, but I know that I could be doing better, and am going to focus more on them. It's always been a task to do because I can't concentrate on one without the others feeling left out, but I'll find a way. Maybe with Brad helping one and me helping another, and SOMETHING distracting the third.. lol...Anyway, This morning Benjamin and Brad and I worked on a few worksheets with him, I kept asking him questions and he made me so proud by answering them all. We did a shapes worksheet and colored the shapes different colors so I was asking him "what color is the star" "what shape is blue" etc and after a while he was done.. stopped answering correctly, and we know that's a sign he's had enough so we ended his session lol. It feels good to do these things with the kids though, so I hope my printer doesn't run outta ink anytime soon..