Thursday, June 17, 2010

Livin and Learnin

So, I know it's been a long time since I've blogged, but there's been a good reason for that. Lately we've been going through a rough spot and for a while there I didn't know how things were going to turn out so I wasn't reporting anything new, but I think that now is a pretty safe time to discuss at least a few things that I've been thinking about or going through lately.
Firstly, and I think most importantly as well, Brad and I have stopped playing World of Warcraft. I think that game consumed us to the point where our priorities were out of whack, our relationship suffered, and our children didn't get all the attention they deserve from us. Since quitting the game there has been so many instances of me saying "I'm bored" but I can honestly say that I do not miss it at all, nor do I regret the decision to stop playing it. I just have yet to find something equally as enjoyable to fill some of that time that the game consumed. I have started doing jigsaw puzzles with Brad but that gets expensive really fast because we are finishing 3k piece puzzles in less than 4 days, I've been baking a lot more because I honestly enjoy it!! and because everyone here loves my cooking for the most part. We've been reading more, which brings me to my second thing.
Since our rough spot began we have been reading a chapter in Scriptures every evening before we go to bed. As soon as we head to bed, Brad picks up the scriptures, reads a chapter, and there we decide if we are going to stay up later to read our other stories or just go to bed, but that is a priority now for us. It's not something we've done with the kids yet (we used to read the BOM every night to them, but life is always changing routines etc.. or maybe it's just us being lazy...but the important thing is for US right now to become more spiritually connected and we will worry about the kids later.
I think in the past few months that Brad and I have grown together and I personally have realized a lot of things that I can be doing better not only for my relationship with my children, but also for my relationship with Brad. I am honestly proud of where we are at right now, and I know we have a ways to go before we are at where we want to be, but I am glad we are back on the right track. :)


Katherine Ronachert said...

good for you! i've found electronics can get in the way... :) good luck finding something to fill the spare time. maybe going on walks together? :)
ps my word verification was

Tarylyn said...

cute hehhe