Wednesday, August 11, 2010

A Trip Down Memory Lane

Last night, or rather this morning.. I went on a trip. :) I was awake at three am because Brad was working and I can never fall asleep easy with him working at night. I was so tired, so unbelievably tired from the day before, but because he was not there I did not feel as safe and was worrying myself to a place where I could not sleep. That's when I decided that I had had enough for the day, brushed my teeth, turned the lights in the living room off, took my contacts out, and eventually got on my knees and said perhaps the longest and most heartfelt prayer I've ever prayed in my life. Immediately I felt so much better. I looked up to see our "memory" box sitting on the chair in our bedroom and I grabbed it and started to look through it. You know something absolutely amazing? I was absolutely head over heels in love with my husband before we were married, while we were dating. He kept pretty much every ticket stub from every movie we saw together, we kept silly things like napkins from junior prom (which turned out to be a good thing since I didn't quite make it to my senior prom..), stars that were laid on the table as part of the centerpiece for a JROTC Ball, and pretty much every letter we wrote back and forth to each other. I have the imagination of a child sometimes and when I was reading these things, I was 10 years younger and actually remembering the circumstances and events we went through. Brad had the ability to make me laugh, and not just laugh... but cheer me up in the darkest of moments. He had the ability to make me smile by just being there, he did so many sweet things that made me fall head over heels for him. He stuck with me in times that no one else did, he loved me, and as I was reading these memories...I honestly FELT how much he loved me. That is when the realization hit. I was back in real time, 10 years later, and I realized this man STILL loves me, still makes me laugh, still cheers me up in moments that I really need it. I am so extremely LUCKY!! I have been married to my best friend for 9 wonderful years, been with him for over ten, and though we've had a lot of rough spots in that time, our love is strong, and can overcome most anything. I love my husband so much, and I do not know what I would do without him in my life.

1 comment:

Katherine Ronachert said...

what a sweet, tender post. thanks for sharing!