Monday, April 7, 2008

Not a very good day

So I had a phone conversation with Saria's teacher today, and basically she's concerned with Saria's behavior in the same ways that I am. We discussed her behavior at home and at school. Basically, she behaves the same way in both places. First off, we talked about how she's an excellent student academically when she applies herself, but socially she's not doing well. She throws fits in class, to the point where she is removed from learning for periods of time and this not only disrupts HER learning, but it disrupts the entire classroom from learning. Saria doesn't seem to GET that when she does something BAD or WRONG that she is punished for it, she just THINKS she's the victim everytime, and that we're punishing her because we don't like her. One of the things stated was thinking about having her repeat first grade because maturity wise, she's not going to be able to handle 2nd grade. We also talked about having her seen by a pediatrician who can maybe diagnose a problem (because we've both tried several things and nothing seems to be working) and I think that this would be the best option for Saria. They have a learning program set up in the schools that if Saria were diagnosed with a behavioral problem she'd have access to this program which would help her learn in my opinion because she'd be with teachers that understand her problem and can help her overcome the maturity issue...Sounds like a solution right? Have her seen by a doctor that can either help US to determine what the issue is, or get her started in a special program at school. If we did take her to a doctor MY feelings on medication are that they can pretty much stuff it, I will not do that to Saria. I personally think that either they'll diagnose her as having a behavior problem and we can go on from there, or they'll at least give us more options then what we've already tried. My main focus is on Saria, and the goodness that Saria is, not ignoring the problem and hoping it'll correct itself. I really don't know what the best choice is, but her teacher and I have both been praying for her, and we are pretty much at our wits end when it comes to a solution, we've tried it all.


Nilla said...

I wish I knew what to say... I hurt for Saria's difficulties. I want her to learn and grow. I want her to be happy. I wonder why she acts out. I know you and Brad will be inspired to do what needs to be done. Keep praying about it. Heavenly Father loves Saria and recognizes that you need direction on how best to handle this problem. He will help you find a solution. But don't give up. And make sure she feels loved.

Tarylyn said...

We had a long family home evening about it last night, I think it may have helped at least ME realize that it really isn't MY fault which is a great thing, because now I can actually focus more on the situation. This morning went a lot smoother for her, we listened to children's songbook music on cd and she got on the bus with a smile, so we'll see if that works!

The Silverback said...

Hi! I must chime in on this. One thing about the possibility of having Saria repeat 1st grade: I held Katherine back in the first grade and it was the best thing that I ever did. Her dad was opposed to it. The guidance counselor said that Katherine would probably struggle along through 2nd grade, but she'd probably never make it through 3rd grade. Holding her back in 1st grade gave her a good foundation for reading and gave her more confidence in herself. I can't speak much to the medication issue. It seems to help some kids, but I just don't know. I can tell you what NJ schools tend to do....and THIS STINKS AND IS WRONG... They love to classify kids as having a learning disability because they receive extra funds from the State for learning disabled kids. I have never heard of a single exception when the school "tests" kids. What I mean to say is I haven't heard of a single time where they have done testing and then they've come back with, "Well, no, your child is well adjusted." It's always, lo and behold, "Your kid is a problem!"
Hang in there! It's tough. Keep your chin up and pray! Heavenly Father will help you. You're not the fault, but you are part of the solution. Just do your best.

Katherine Ronachert said...

i worked with a child who had anger issues. that was the only reason he was pulled into special classes. i was his one on one aide. it worked well because i was able to pull him out before a situation would occur. his parents opposed medication, but at some points i think it might have helped.
my sister only gives her son meds during the week when he has to focus. he's diagnosed adhd.
one thing you want to keep in mind is how the school operates. there are some schools that have an inclusion program, which i believe is the best option. the child is still involved with the other students, but is pulled for some classes.
has she been able to work with a child psychiatirst or counselor? Anyway, I would definatley talk to a pediatrician. That's their specialty and he/she would know what best to do for Saria.
Good luck.

Tarylyn said...

oh elka! the program you're talking about is what they're trying to get her in, which is why we need to get her to the doctor, so they can basically confirm that she's got an issue, we aren't against having her take medicine, but we want to TRY other things first! (Which I'm sure every parent wants really) AdHD might be different from what Saria has, I think the teacher had a name for what she thinks it is, but it was long and I forgot it..haha, but ya, we're going to have to get some healthcare and then take her to a dr so they can tell us where to go from there. It's hard to not be able to take her RIGHT NOW because we've been without medical because of debt we're trying to get out of, it's a tough world, but the teacher is awesome, talked to the learning specialist and the learning specialist hooked us up with a form for healthcare so we're headed down the right path at least!

Crystal said...

I know this might sound stupid to you but what does she eat for breakfast? Does she eat cereal? If she does then maybe try eggs and sausage or something for a day or 2 and see if it might help. I said I know it sounds stupid but the starch and sugar in cereal can have an impact on her behavior. The protein in the eggs will help her to feel fuller so therefore she will be able to concentrate more. I know it works for a lot of people. I feel better when I eat eggs instead of cereal for breakfast. And usually I have to be told that it's time for lunch cause I am not even hungry when it's lunch time. Just thought it might help...