Friday, April 11, 2008

Saria's sick :(

OK so...EVERYTIME Saria has a fever she ends up either throwing up, or coming really close to it. Tonight so far she's only come close, but it scares the mess out of her everytime it happens. I think that because she was premature this happens because it doesn't happen with the boys, but always does with Saria. She's had a cold for the past few days which we've been giving her medicine for Pedicare something or other, but when she gets the fever part she just looks sooo bad. Her eyes start to look really glossy and kinda reddish and her cheeks turn bright red. I put a cool washcloth on her head and flip it every so often and basically tell her to go to bed because I know if she plays around it'll get worse and she'll end up throwing up and what kid wants to do now she's asleep finally!! It's ONLY 11:32, I mean COME ON!! :)
Ben fell asleep tonight on his own, we were playing on the computers and I look over, and he's sitting there with his butt in the air and his "lovie" blanket underneathhim and he's passed out. This is different because he usually comes and sorta hits us and yells at us when he's tired. I thought he looked incredibly cute with his butt in the air!! Wish I took a picture.. Sam also fell asleep different tonight, hes' got his little stuffed "rucky" hippo with him, and he looks sorta like he's sitting up on the couch.. hehe OK, I am going to bed!!

1 comment:

Nilla said...

Poor Saria. Glad all the kids went down so well for you :).