Tuesday, May 27, 2008

There were three in the bed and the BIGGEST one said GET OUT

OK so maybe I haven't exactly said get out, but it's getting to the point where I just may!! I have no problem sleeping with Benjamin in the bed, but Brad does, he doesn't get any sleep with him and he sleeps in weird positions that end up making him really achy and grumpy (and we can't have that!) So I think we're going to work on getting him out of our room...I know I've said this before so I'm giggling right now.. haha But seriously, he really needs to use his own bed. Not to mention...so does Samuel (who right now sleeps on our floor) I guess that loft room is scary. Anyway, maybe they'll start taking naps upstairs together in their own beds and we'll go from there. Either that, or save money for a California King ;)


Nilla said...

So how is this working so far?

Tarylyn said...
