Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Trying to settle into our new home

I haven't taken any pictures of the new place because atm it's a total wreck. We are still unpacking and deciding what is going in the house and what is going in the trash. I lost a lot of belongings unwillingly thru the mold in the other house. We also decided that (since everything in that house smelled like musty mold) we would just throw out a lot of the stuffed animals we were collecting thru the years (please never give my kids stuffed animals ever again-they'll go in the trash)I didn't feel that washing every single one of them would benefit us when we're trying to save money on bills etc.. Anyway I saved what I deemed were worth keeping and just chunked the rest. We should totall ybe out of the house by tomorrow (or Thursday) but I don't think we're handing in the keys until Friday because we have a TON of garbage that needs to go out. Other than those frustrations, not much has been going on here. I lost a baby doll that has a music box in it that I've had since I was a baby to the mold. Gotta remember to take the camera next time I go over there to take more pictures of the damage things. I had an electronic keyboard that has mold on it and has been trashed for that reason. Oh well, Maybe one day I'll be able to afford a Piano and lessons so that I can learn to play an instrument.. :D Anyway, I'mma stop writing now because I'm hungry and my cocoa dino bites are sitting right in front of me looking all tasty.


Nilla said...

I thought the house looked lovely when I was over there today! You guys have done a great job getting it all homey :). I do really like the new house.

Jenny said...

Hey tarylyn sounds like a bit going on with you. Well that's been expecting since it has been awhile since Valdosta.

Crystal said...

you should have tried to save your doll from when you were a baby.. a little bleach water would have done the trick. that's a shame..

Tarylyn said...

i didn't throw it out, i'm going to wash it in the washing machine, it's still over at the other house which we will be finishing today