Saturday, March 21, 2009

Twilight comes out on DVD today

Not sure if I'll get a copy of it yet or not, depends on if Brad remembers to pick me up one...I enjoyed the movie, but there were some spots in it where I thought they coulda done a better job...well.. lotsa parts like that ;P


Nilla said...

Would you believe I actually bought myself a copy? Went out with my friend Tammy first thing this morning to Target, since she was getting them for the party... Ended up getting one too, since it seemed like a good deal. I'm so crazy. I think I went on a spending spree to AL.

Miss you guys, and see you soon! Give the kiddos love from me!

P.S. We'll have to plan a WA Twilight party ;).

Tarylyn said...

Brad got my copy for me... I watched it today haha