Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Playing outside

So it's been really sunny here lately, and I hope it stays this way because the kids have ALOT of energy to burn and the best way is running around outside. I have started to weed the flower beds that are surrounding the house and when I'm all done with doing that I will more than likely plant some sorta flowers in there to make it pretty. I started a greenhouse garden a few days ago, so when they are ready to be transplanted we'll dig up a spot in the yard. I HOPEFULLY will have tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, squash, chives, parsley, and basil. If it works out well this year, maybe next year I will plant MORE stuff,but since I do not have a green thumb in the slightest, this year we will just be thankful if one plant makes it.. lol..

1 comment:

Nilla said...

Cool!!! I was supposed to grow a garden this year. we see how well that went. Sigh. I'm so lazy.

Oh, and the bad news is that the rain and clouds returns tomorrow. But, they say next week is supposed to be pretty again :). And possibly the weekend.