Well since yesterday was a LONG one, I waited a whole night to post about it, sorry I made you wait Hila but since you were HERE I don't really consider it "waiting."
Our day started off at about, oh lets say...6:00A.M. (At least for me) I had butterflies in my tummy and couldn't go back to sleep...so I sat there until about seven thirty when I actually got out of the bed. (Its so warm under those mink blankets from Korea.) Anyway I think the kids were super excited because they were totally talkative and would not let Brad and I converse at all!!! They enjoyed getting their new clothes on (well Saria and Samuel got new outfits) I had braided Saria's hair the night before and so her hair was a little crimped (I personally think she looked a little too much like Hermione so I put it up in a pony tail in hopes that by the time we got to the temple that it would be a little less poofy.) So we all get our church type clothes on and call Mom to tell her we're going to meet her somewhere to make it easier to get on the ferry together so that we could follow her once we were in Seattle (because we've never been to the temple and have no clue where it is.)
Surprise #1 happens here!!! We get to the bank parking lot and are waiting for Mom to get there so I start applying my lipgloss and Brad's like "Here they are," so I look up and start waving because everyone in the car is waving at me, and I see it's full of people so I just assume it's the people that are coming with us from Mom's ward and I just wave at them, and look back down into my container of lipgloss to apply some to my upper lip when it hit me, that gosh that girl in the backseat looked a lot like Hila, so I look up again and I can only imagine what my face looked like (it musta been epic because everyone in the car was in stitches) when I realized that it WAS Hila!! She hopped out of the car and Brad was kind enough to roll down my window (why I didn't open the door I dunno) and we hugged and I cried into her pretty shirt haha and I thanked her for tricking me and for coming and it just made the day soooo much more special to have her there!
So we start standing in line for the ferry and the kids are totally engrossed in this set of fountains off to our right, and everytime one of them blew (like a whale,kinda I guess) they'd shout "OoOOoOO" or something to that affect, so the 10 or so minutes we waited in line was full of "OoO's" and other excited kidisms and it really helped the time go by a little faster (Brad and I both loved watching them
too, we were making kid noises with them I will admit.) SOOO we finally get on board the ferry and the kids absolutely loved that experience, I think Ben had his head out the window the whole trip! They attempted to eat their lunch at this time (Bologna and cheese sandwiches and Capri Sun with fruit snacks and graham crackers) but really they ate the fruit snacks and graham crackers and left their sandwiches for later.
So we get to the temple and get our things that we need from the distribution center and head into the temple, and (I know I'm skipping here, but I am not sure what I CAN say and what I'm not supposed to so I hope I'm being safe heh) my intial reaction to entering the doors to the temple and seeing all the people in white and just sooo happy, it really really made me KNOW that what we were doing was the right thing to do. I really, really wish that everyone could have been there to see and share the day with us! Surprise #2 The kids coming into the room to be sealed with us....dressed in white, sooo beautiful and handsome...It was just absolutely wonderful. I have never felt so at peace and happy as I did when we were sealed together. Anyone that knows my kids knows that they are hyper and very talkative and active and LOUD, but for those few moments, they were absolutely perfect. They were reverent, and quiet, and obedient and it was wonderful!
Surprise #3 The kids were very busy in the youth center having their handprints drawn on paper that says "My hands are this big and today I was sealed to my parents for time and all eternity" and they also colored, and played with the assortment of toys they had there. When I opened up their folders and saw their handprints, the waterworks were once again activated (of course I'm a mom right) And I decided I'm going to frame all three of their handprint papers along with a family shot and a picture of the temple and our certificate (lots of frames needed here) and arrange it on the wall in the house. I am just so proud that after all this time, all these years of waiting and trying to become worthy, we finally did it!! I am so proud of my "little" family and I couldn't be more blessed then to be sealed to the most wonderful man I've ever met!
Ok so later that night we all went out to eat at Shari's. Christina and Desiree met us there. We had a blast! I love getting together with Brad and his family, the memories always are refreshed and we all have about a million chuckles over them. It's soo fun ;)
It was fun to read this from your perspective! Love you guys and miss you tons! And the babies were so well-behaved. And they really did look so adorable.
yeah for obedient children! you all look beautiful!
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