Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Fa la la la la, my wallet's empty
SO we've been doing a little bit of Christmas shopping and so far we really haven't gotten much but the prices are outrageous...I'm looking forward to shopping again soon, because we all know how exciting shopping is!! (no sarcasm this time) I actually like Christmas shopping, I think because I'm not trying to find something for myself and am instead trying to think of cool things to get the kids.. :) As of other news, not much is going on.. Brad's been doing lab tests lately and MAYBE when they get the lab set all up in his office in Fife he will actually be PUT in there and have a work schedule.. and maybe MORE PAY? :) But other than that.. same ol same ol...House is in desperate need of some TLC (Tarylyn's Lovely Cleaning) SO I must get off this blasted machine...Oh, I'm mostly on facebook during the day, and I think that because my life is just not that spectacular in terms of GREAT news to report I've neglected my blog for these reasons.. I always say I will try to play catch up and get this updated more, but well.. we all know that isn't gonna happen :) <3 to all :))
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Enjoying the weather
I absolutely love the rain, the sound it makes as it falls here is amazing because most of the time it's not followed by thunder and lightning. It's been reaalllly windy the past few days, think all that is cleared up now though because it's not even raining right now. I just enjoy this time of year. I love the warmth of the wood stove!! :)
Saturday, November 14, 2009
My absence
I really didn't expect to not blog about my last post, but I think I just realized that people can COMPLETELY change and I think I am one of those people. I was brought up in a family that drank, got drunk, partied, etc just about every flipping weekend and I learned to loathe it because I saw just how absolutely STUPID people looked/acted when they were drunk. I grew up in a home that didn't actively go to any church and freely used language that was inappropriate (in my eyes). I just have changed so much since being married to Brad and regardless of what my family may think, I think I am a heck of a better person now than I was 10 years ago. I did enjoy my sister's visit, but it was NOTHING like how I planned it. We did have a lot of fun, but to be honest...we didn't spend much time together outside of roadtrips. Not that that is a big huge deal, but it wasn't what I was expecting after not seeing my sister for three years.
I guess this brings me to my most current know, family sometimes just...WOW. I have 2 parents that I love, and am most thankful for because they gave me life, but I feel so completely estranged from them that talking to my dad feels like talking to a complete stranger, and having a mother that wonders about my kids constantly but can't take five minutes out of her day to call me on my birthday when I know for a fact that she calls my sister every EVERY flipping day drives me... NUTS. Jealous? sure, who wouldn't be? I've been treated this way for 27 years and quite frankly should be used to getting the short end of the stick, but quite obviously I'm not because I'm blogging about it. I think the biggest thing for me is I just can't understand WHY...or WHAT is wrong with me that I cannot have the same love and affection given to me that is given to others. Its really not a big deal, REALLY it isn't, but you know what...I am just tired of it. I actually moved to Washington State, the decision to do that was made so much easier by the fact that I was trying to run from my problems. I am glad Washington is as beautiful and lovely as it is (and thankful for the family that I have here) because the problems followed me. But through everything...I am so thankful for the choices I have made and the life that I live. People may not like me for it, but I know that I am a better person. And if you cannot accept me for who I am, then that is your decision and it's on your shoulders, not mine.
I guess this brings me to my most current know, family sometimes just...WOW. I have 2 parents that I love, and am most thankful for because they gave me life, but I feel so completely estranged from them that talking to my dad feels like talking to a complete stranger, and having a mother that wonders about my kids constantly but can't take five minutes out of her day to call me on my birthday when I know for a fact that she calls my sister every EVERY flipping day drives me... NUTS. Jealous? sure, who wouldn't be? I've been treated this way for 27 years and quite frankly should be used to getting the short end of the stick, but quite obviously I'm not because I'm blogging about it. I think the biggest thing for me is I just can't understand WHY...or WHAT is wrong with me that I cannot have the same love and affection given to me that is given to others. Its really not a big deal, REALLY it isn't, but you know what...I am just tired of it. I actually moved to Washington State, the decision to do that was made so much easier by the fact that I was trying to run from my problems. I am glad Washington is as beautiful and lovely as it is (and thankful for the family that I have here) because the problems followed me. But through everything...I am so thankful for the choices I have made and the life that I live. People may not like me for it, but I know that I am a better person. And if you cannot accept me for who I am, then that is your decision and it's on your shoulders, not mine.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
2 more days :)
Until I get to see my sister again. We have been cleaning house (not that it's dirty, but it really needed a good fixing up!) and washing laundry for the past three days!!! I do not think that laundry in my house will ever be finished. My kids have a tendency to take blankets out of the linen closet and make "tents" in our living room, and because we all know how sticky kids are, I always feel a need to wash them afterwards... so ya.. endless cycle. I cannot wait for the kids to start school this year. I will only have Ben (for at least half the day because kindergarten at this dumb school is only half day and it's only dumb because of that) so I think I will be able to have more of a social/living life for those couple hours at least. HAHA I know Sam is super excited about starting school. He's one smart SERIOUS little dude.
Monday, August 17, 2009
Its been a while!!!
I guess upon discovering the ease and loveliness that is facebook I have seriously neglected my blogging duties, and decided now is as good a time as ever to update a bit.. haha We haven't really been up to anything, our electric bill here at this new house has gone down considerably, and we are trying to get back on track!
We've had a few family nights playing Apples to Apples (which I just LOVE!!!) and it's nice to see all the kids together and playing. My sister is coming to visit in 3 days FOR 9 days so I am SURE I will have pictures to post of her trip and the visit. I have yet to meet my nephew Brandon who is 2 and a half now...AND she hasn't seen Ben since he was 3 weeks? old... Other than that, I have been enjoying the outdoors when the weather is as nice as it has been!!! I have successfully mowed my ENTIRE lawn and even have a few sunflowers growing!!!
We've had a few family nights playing Apples to Apples (which I just LOVE!!!) and it's nice to see all the kids together and playing. My sister is coming to visit in 3 days FOR 9 days so I am SURE I will have pictures to post of her trip and the visit. I have yet to meet my nephew Brandon who is 2 and a half now...AND she hasn't seen Ben since he was 3 weeks? old... Other than that, I have been enjoying the outdoors when the weather is as nice as it has been!!! I have successfully mowed my ENTIRE lawn and even have a few sunflowers growing!!!
Monday, May 25, 2009
Happy Memorial Day
I know I haven't written a post in.. forever, but I really haven't had anything too exciting to report. Brad and I took the kids up to Port Angeles last weekend, we stayed 2 nights in a very nice hotel (Brad had a job up there). We went and saw Wolverine while we were there and I caught an NCIS marathon on the hotel tv, fell in love with the show and have been watching episodes on The kids loved the trip, but not so much the drive, thank goodness for van dvd players! When we got back, my little garden I was growing in the planters were dead...nothing new has poked up so far, so we're going to try again because the weather is weird here anyway and they may still grow if we plant more soon. We had planted sunflowers around the big rock in front of the house and they're growing. I haven't checked on them in a few days but they were poked through the ground, so I'm sure they're getting bigger by now. Today we bbq'd before Brad went to work. We had hotdogs and hamburgers, chips and potato salad, it was really good, and I have truely been loving this weather and hope it stays like this (though I'm sure it won't) Hope everyone had a good day!!
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Going on a date!!
Tonight Brad and I are going to go catch a flick at the theaters and maybe have some kinda dinner (nothing fancy) afterwards. I just am so thrilled to be getting away from these kids!! :D I do love them to death but man.. I need a break hehe
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Playing outside
So it's been really sunny here lately, and I hope it stays this way because the kids have ALOT of energy to burn and the best way is running around outside. I have started to weed the flower beds that are surrounding the house and when I'm all done with doing that I will more than likely plant some sorta flowers in there to make it pretty. I started a greenhouse garden a few days ago, so when they are ready to be transplanted we'll dig up a spot in the yard. I HOPEFULLY will have tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, squash, chives, parsley, and basil. If it works out well this year, maybe next year I will plant MORE stuff,but since I do not have a green thumb in the slightest, this year we will just be thankful if one plant makes it.. lol..
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Twilight comes out on DVD today
Not sure if I'll get a copy of it yet or not, depends on if Brad remembers to pick me up one...I enjoyed the movie, but there were some spots in it where I thought they coulda done a better job...well.. lotsa parts like that ;P
Friday, March 13, 2009
That Michele sure is talented :)
The kids got a couple outfits each the other day from Aunt Michele, boy she's talented!!! Of course (just like at Christmastime) I think Samuel is the most excited about the outfits, he's worn the overalls twice already, I have taken some pictures of the outfits, they look absolutely adorable ON the kids, but I totally don't have anymore room on my memory stick :( I also apparently need a new camera since every picture I've taken lately comes out fuzzy.. :(

Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Trying to settle into our new home
I haven't taken any pictures of the new place because atm it's a total wreck. We are still unpacking and deciding what is going in the house and what is going in the trash. I lost a lot of belongings unwillingly thru the mold in the other house. We also decided that (since everything in that house smelled like musty mold) we would just throw out a lot of the stuffed animals we were collecting thru the years (please never give my kids stuffed animals ever again-they'll go in the trash)I didn't feel that washing every single one of them would benefit us when we're trying to save money on bills etc.. Anyway I saved what I deemed were worth keeping and just chunked the rest. We should totall ybe out of the house by tomorrow (or Thursday) but I don't think we're handing in the keys until Friday because we have a TON of garbage that needs to go out. Other than those frustrations, not much has been going on here. I lost a baby doll that has a music box in it that I've had since I was a baby to the mold. Gotta remember to take the camera next time I go over there to take more pictures of the damage things. I had an electronic keyboard that has mold on it and has been trashed for that reason. Oh well, Maybe one day I'll be able to afford a Piano and lessons so that I can learn to play an instrument.. :D Anyway, I'mma stop writing now because I'm hungry and my cocoa dino bites are sitting right in front of me looking all tasty.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Packing sucks
So ya, we got that house we apped for *yay* and are starting to pack to move. We have most of the upstairs and Saria's room ready to go, but I'm absolutely horrified at the thought of packing my bedroom because EVERYTHING in there smells like mildew, and some of our blankets that we had in the closet were nice and fuzzy green with the mold on them.. Seriously, the landlord is getting the 1200 we owe him and I doubt I'll wanna pay any more than that. Fixing the problem by telling us to wipe the windows (which obviously doesn't take the moisture out of the air in the bedroom because that room is always colder and wetter because there's a HOLE in the closet the size of my middle child. Anyway, before I go off into a tangent about how this place sucks, I'm happy to report that we are moving somewhere cheaper and prettier and has the same (round about) sized yard. So, FEBREEZE I hope you're a miracle worker because everything in this place stinks :D We'll probably actually vacate the first week or two of March, but we're getting ready so that we can ASAP when we get our tax return back.
On another note, Ben and Desiree had their bday party together the other day (Hila and Christina have a ton of pictures there so you can check those out because atm I'm extra lazy and don't feel like uploading a bunch of pictures hehe. But I do have ONE. We made Ben a cake on his actual birthday just to help his day be extra special, and I personally think it turned out great. Brad drew it with a toothpick onto the icing, and I iced it in with the same toothpick because I didn't have a decorator tip small enough and I was out of ziploc bags and the freaking cling wrap just burst hehe. He had a good day-choose where to eat for lunch, we had Popeyes, and whenever a choice between kids was to be made that day he got to pick first. I think that treating each kid a little more special on their birthday is a good idea and will do this with Saria and Sam too :D
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Turning in App
for a house that's mere minutes from where we currently live. It comes complete with a hottub that will never get used, and a wood stove that definately will be used (if we get it) If we don't get it, we'll just keep looking. It's really nice, 3 bedrooms 1 bathroom for 975 a month (versus the 1200 we're paying now)-which by the way our current landlord STILL has not called back/fixed the water heater...
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Too Much
To complain about, so the one thing that I can say is this: I am 99.9% sure the dead cat I saw today belongs to us.
Monday, February 9, 2009
Me and Julio Down by the Schoolyard
Okay, so today Brad, Sam, Ben and I went to look at a few places that are for sale. The reason for my title? The realtor that is helping us on our "journey" as he himself put it, is named Julio, and we've been contacting each other through the internet on a really nice website called and that song POPs into each of our heads whenever we look at different homes on the internet (because his picture with his name follows us everywhere) Anyway, he's a really nice guy and we're going to be looking at more houses tomorrow, and after we file our taxes we're going to go to a mortgage company and get this ball really rolling because we're ready to move out of here. We found a really really nice house that needs a few repairs here and there, but all in all has what we want. A kitchen I can cook in, a basement, and a fireplace. Not to mention (HILA) it has 3 bathrooms. 3.. that's one for each floor of the house (basement, main level, and upper floor) Of course there's only one shower, but there are three places to take a dump!!!! It's on 7th Street and it's a brick house, we'd have to talk down the price a little,but considering the fact that's its been on the market for a bit, we think we can do that :D Anyway, we're looking at more options tomorrow, wish us luck we need it!
Friday, February 6, 2009
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Finding a new place to live :D
So tomorrow we're going to go check out Cottage Bay (muhahaha Christina I'll be your next door neighbor and you will LOVE IT) They have a 3 bedroom unit available and do accept kitties (you're in luck Alice!) and so we're gonna go talk to them tomorrow...I hope we like it and that our stuff will fit.. otherwise.. prolly gonna have a major yardsale :D I am feeling loads better in the UTI department too, only the medication I'm on makes me really dumb and dizzy...I get dizzy when I open my eyes in the morning, the entire room seriously spins.. hehe anyway.. I'll update after we know more :D
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Around 6 pm last night I just started feeling horrible and asked Brad to stop off and get some more Azo for some relief. I managed (DUNNO HOW) to hold off until this morning and went to the clinic to get a urine test to confirm what I already knew-ANOTHER UTI. So I'm on some antibiotics and I hope it feels better soon, they keep getting worse and worse. Also while I was there they pricked my finger to test my glucose level because apparently it was high in my urine, but it was fine :D
Monday, February 2, 2009
Sorry its been forever
But I have nothing of interest to report on. I have been looking up houses for sale/rent for the past few days because we're getting really tired of calling the people that own this house to fix the water heater (it spews water several times each day) and our electric bill we're thinking is 300 bucks+ because of it. Two times they've said they'd either call us back or look into it and they haven't, so we're holding off paying them rent for now so we can catch up on our electric bill and find a new place to stay so we don't have to deal with this crap anymore. Anyway, I found a few houses that are for sale that I would love to go look at, or somehow talk to someone to see what our price range is, I know that there are a lot of houses wanting to be sold so I know somewhere there's someone to talk to us about it. I have a FHE planned for tonight, I think its the first time in a while that I planned something in advance to do, and OF COURSE Brad is working...Oh well, I cut out several paper hearts and wrote things to do on them (sing songs, discuss a certain topic, tell what we like about someone etc) and we're going to do that for FHE, I'm also making pudding for it, I was going to make a lot of jello today but for some reason I can't find my little plastic containers that we used the last time we made it..
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Well I finished the last book Breaking Dawn a few days ago. I have to admit that this was the ONLY one that I wanted to put down periodically due to it not interesting me. I was absolutely thrilled at how it ended though. * SPOILER *
I mean, is it NOT happily ever after when the ending is having sex? But the parts in between were a little weird to me in terms of how I viewed the book. I dunno maybe its just me ;P But I did enjoy them, and can't wait until they make the rest into movies.
I mean, is it NOT happily ever after when the ending is having sex? But the parts in between were a little weird to me in terms of how I viewed the book. I dunno maybe its just me ;P But I did enjoy them, and can't wait until they make the rest into movies.
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